6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
Join us to discuss the 2020 election, outcomes and the political landscape that lies ahead.
What have the results revealed about American voters and civic engagement?
How have young people shaped this year’s election?
What has this election cycle revealed about democracy?
How has race impacted local, state and national election outcomes?
A roundtable conversation in which we assess what is and has been at stake with the 2020 election and think together about what is possible for democracy, justice, inclusion, political leadership and civic engagement.
Lisa Magaña, PhD Professor, ASU School of Transborder Studies
Jenni Monet Investigative Journalist and Founder, Indigenous_ly
Warren Stewart. Sr., DMin Senior Pastor, First Institituional Baptist Church, Phoenix
Jonathan Koppell, PhD Dean, ASU Watts College of Public Service and Community Solutions
Steven Webster, PhD Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science Indiana University Bloomington
Venita Hawthorne James Professor of Practice, ASU Cronkite School of Journalism
Lois Brown, PhD, Director, ASU Center for the Study of Race and Democracy