Impact Arizona


Thursday, September 8, 2016


6:30pm to 8:30pm



A.E. England Building  |  ASU Downtown Phoenix
424 N. Central Ave.  Phoenix, AZ  85004



Academic institutions provide a common space for people across lines of race, ethnicity and nationality to examine and discuss the most pressing issues impacting the country. Those within educational communities — faculty, staff, and students — are often affected by the state of the nation, which influences their personal, professional and educational interactions.   
Through interactive discussion and activities led by Eddie Moore Jr., PhD, participants will:

  • Gain a fuller understanding of racism, bias, privilege and power in America
  • Examine how these systems manifest in the structure and culture of colleges and universities and the implications on campus communities
  • Discover ways to incorporate current events into class discussions and encourage critical thinking around these issues
  • Learn ways to empower colleagues and students by acknowledging and validating their experiences 



Speaker Biography

Eddie Moore, Jr., Ph.D., has achieved success in academia, business, diversity, leadership and community service. In 1996, he started America & MOORE, LLC to provide comprehensive diversity, privilege and leadership trainings and workshops, and is recognized as one of the nation’s top motivational speakers and educators.  Dr. Moore is the Founder and Program Director of the White Privilege Conference (WPC), one of the top national and international conferences addressing issues related to privilege and power in America, and in 2014 he expanded on this work with the creation of The Privilege Institute.

Moore served as an academic professional at Loras College, Cornell College, and Central College where his work focused on diversity and intercultural life.  He has served as the Director of Diversity at the Brooklyn Friends School and The Bush School, and has authored and edited numerous publications.  Moore received his Ph.D. from the University of Iowa in Education Leadership where his research focused on black football players at division III schools in the Midwest.

Directions & Parking


A.E. England Building  |  ASU Downtown Phoenix 
424 N. Central Ave.  Phoenix, AZ 85004



The A.E. England Building is located on Central Ave. in the Civic Park Space across from ASU's Downtown Phoenix campus.  For driving directions, click on the map button below and then select "Directions," or contact our office.



There are multiple Visitor Parking options at ASU's Downtown Phoenix campus. The closest parking to the A.E. England Building is the ASU Visitor Lot located on the southwest corner of Central Ave & Fillmore Street.  Review the parking map,, for all ASU's parking options.  Visitors lots are marked in pink and the fee is $3/hour.

There is also a non-ASU pay-by-the-space lot on the northeast corner of Central Ave. & Fillmore Street and City of Phoenix metered parking is available around all buildings.
