
Thursday, July 19, 2012


6:30pm to 9:00pm


Sunshine's Motor City Cafe 7425 S. Harl Avenue Suite 2 Tempe, AZ 85283





"VITAL VOICES is a partnership between ASU's Project Humanities, Performance in the Borderlands, and community organization, Savvy Pen Productions.

Vital Voices brings together individuals and communities to “talk, listen, and connect” through literature, language, and performance in important cultural spaces around the Valley. We encourage and utilize a range of creative expression, which demonstrates the necessity and vitality of multiple perspectives on and approaches to understanding our humanity.

Vital Voices are hosted on the third Thursday of every month. This month come and join us in the celebration of indigenous voices. Indigenous is defined as:

  1. originating in and characteristic of a particular region or country; native (often followed by to)
  2. innate; inherent; natural (usually followed by to): feelings indigenous to human beings

We are not offering or subscribing to a set definition, but will celebrate a myriad of interpretations, people, and perspectives.

Bring a favorite quote, passage, essay, or poem by, or inspired by, the artist for an evening of discussion, performance, and sharing.

Event facilitator TBD. Event will include performances by local artists. Refreshments provided by Sunshine's Motor City Cafe."

Taken from ASU Events