Delivering Democracy 2024 Charlayne Hunter-Gault



Saturday, April 13, 2024

3:00 p.m. (AZ Time)

In-Person or Online

Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church
1401 E Jefferson St.
Phoenix, AZ 85034

DD2024 Charlayne Hunter-Gault

Free 丨In Person and Livestreamed 丨Open to the Public

Register now for in-person general admission or livestream access

Free Admission Registration

Reserved Seating Registration



Registration Information

  • Individual registrations must be completed for each person attending.
  • The same email and contact information can be used for multiple registrations but we do request the name of each person attending. Those with duplicate registrations will be contacted.

If you have any questions, please contact our office at 602-496-1376 or by email at

Featured sponsors


Sponsorship Opportunities

Delivering Democracy 2024 is made possible by the generous support of our sponsors.  All sponsorships include reserved seating and levels from $100 to $25,000 may be made electronically via this link.

Please contact CSRD Director Lois Brown or ASU Foundation Sr Director of Development Chelsie Bruggeman to arrange sponsorships above $25,000.


Download DD2024 Sponsorship Levels.pdf


Oportunidades de Patrocinio

Delivering Democracy 2024 es posible gracias al generoso apoyo de nuestros patrocinadores. Todos los patrocinios incluyen asientos reservados y los niveles desde $100 hasta $25,000 se pueden realizar electrónicamente a través de este enlace.

Por favor, póngase en contacto con la Directora de CSRD, Lois Brown o con la Directora Principal de Desarrollo de la Fundación ASU, Chelsie Bruggeman, para organizar patrocinios por encima de $25,000.



About Delivering Democracy

Join us on April 13, 2024 as we launch our second decade of Delivering Democracy programming with the award-winning journalist and courageous civil rights champion Charlayne Hunter-Gault.   This year, as the nation marks the 70th anniversary of the Brown v. Board of Education Decision, we have the opportunity to reflect on the vision and leadership that paved the way towards equal education opportunities in America.  This year’s program, which features CSRD Director Lois Brown in conversation with Ms. Hunter-Gault, promises to be a revelatory, inspiring and moving dialogue about community resilience, education, journalists as agents of change, national and global civil rights and the power of bearing witness.


Sobre el evento


Acompáñenos el 13 de abril de 2024 a celebrar nuestra segunda década de programación de Delivering Democracy con la periodista galardonada y valiente defensora de los derechos civiles Charlayne Hunter-Gault. Este año, mientras la nación conmemora el aniversario 70 del Caso Brown contra el Consejo de Educación, tenemos la oportunidad de reflexionar sobre la visión y el liderazgo que facilitaron el camino hacia oportunidades de educación equitativa en Estados Unidos. El programa de este año, que cuenta, Lois Brown, la Directora de CSRD, en conversación con la Sra. Hunter-Gault, promete ser un diálogo revelador, inspirador y conmovedor sobre la resiliencia comunitaria, la educación, los periodistas como agentes de cambio, los derechos civiles nacionales y globales, y el poder de ser testigos presenciales.

Program Schedule

 All times listed are in AZ time

2:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Community Resource Fair 

Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church

3:00 pm - 4:30 pm  Delivering Democracy 2024 with Distinguished Speaker Charlayne Hunter-Gault in dialogue with CSRD Director Lois Brown
4:30 pm - 5:30 pm 

Community Resource Fair

Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church

Horario del programa
Todos los horarios indicados están en la hora de Arizona
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Feria de Recursos Comunitarios

Iglesia Bautista Pilgrim Rest

3:00 pm - 4:30 pm Entrega de Democracia 2024 con la Ponente Distinguida Charlayne Hunter-Gault en diálogo con la Directora de CSRD, Lois Brown
4:30 pm - 5:30 pm

Feria de Recursos Comunitarios

Iglesia Bautista Pilgrim Rest





Speaker Bio

Charlayne Hunter-Gault is a visionary and courageous award-winning journalist, author and civil rights leader.  

She began her journalism career as a reporter for The New Yorker–a role that she continues to hold– before moving on to become the local news anchor for WRC-TV in Washington, D.C.. She created and served as the Harlem bureau chief for The New York Times. In 2005, Hunter-Gault returned to NPR as a special correspondent after six years as CNN's Johannesburg bureau chief and correspondent. She joined CNN in April 1999 from National Public Radio, where she worked as the network's chief correspondent in Africa and was awarded a Peabody in 1998 for her coverage of the continent. Hunter-Gault worked for 20 years with PBS NewsHour, alternately as substitute anchor and national, as well as international, correspondent. And she has now returned to the NewsHour as a special correspondent, doing an unprecedented series called Race Matters: Solutions, focusing on solutions to America’s enduring race problem.

Her four published books are an extension of her rigorous approach to journalism, investigative research and social justice. Her books include To the Mountaintop: My Journey Through the Civil Rights Movement, a historical narrative for young readers;  New News Out of Africa: Uncovering the African Renaissance; In My Place, a Civil Rights memoir centered around her pathbreaking enrollment as the first African American woman to attend  the University of Georgia; and her most recent book,  My People, a powerful collection of her reporting and writing throughout her career. Her e-book, Corrective Rape, focused on the practice by some South African men to “correct” the sexual identity of gay women.

Charlayne Hunter-Gault has won two Emmy Awards and two Peabody Awards—the first for her work on Apartheid's People, a NewsHour series about South African life during apartheid; the second for her work in Africa for NPR, in which, according to the Peabody citation, she "demonstrated a talent for ennobling her subjects, and revealed a depth of understanding of the African experience that was unrivaled in Western media."  Ms. Hunter-Gault, who has been awarded many honorary degrees, has been the recipient of numerous other awards for her work.  She was a 2005 inductee into the National Association of Black Journalists Hall of Fame; received the 2014 Black Enterprises Legacy Award and in 2015, she was honored with the Washington Press Club Foundation's Lifetime Achievement Award and inducted into the Atlanta Press Club's Hall of Fame.  


Charlayne Hunter-Gault 

Distinguido Orador

Charlayne Hunter-Gault es una periodista visionaria y valiente, autora y líder de derechos civiles. Comenzó su carrera periodística como reportera para The New Yorker, un rol que continúa desempeñando, antes de pasar a ser la presentadora de noticias locales de WRC-TV en Washington, D.C. Creó y fue jefa de la oficina de Harlem para The New York Times. En 2005, Hunter-Gault regresó a NPR como corresponsal especial después de seis años como jefa de la oficina y corresponsal de CNN en Johannesburgo. Se unió a CNN en abril de 1999 desde National Public Radio, donde trabajó como corresponsal principal de la red en África y recibió un Peabody en 1998 por su cobertura del continente. Hunter-Gault trabajó durante 20 años con PBS NewsHour, alternando como presentadora sustituta y corresponsal nacional, así como internacional. Y ahora ha regresado a NewsHour como corresponsal especial, realizando una serie sin precedentes llamada "Race Matters: Solutions", centrada en soluciones para el problema racial duradero de Estados Unidos.

Sus cuatro libros publicados son una extensión de su enfoque riguroso para el periodismo. Sus libros incluyen "To the Mountaintop: My Journey Through the Civil Rights Movement", una narrativa histórica para jóvenes lectores; "New News Out of Africa: Uncovering the African Renaissance"; "In My Place", memorias de derechos civiles centrados en su inscripción pionera como la primera mujer afroamericana en asistir a la Universidad de Georgia; y su libro más reciente, "My People", una poderosa colección de sus reportajes y escritos a lo largo de su carrera. Su libro electrónico, "Corrective Rape", se centró en la práctica de algunos hombres sudafricanos para "corregir" la identidad sexual de las mujeres homosexuales.

Charlayne Hunter-Gault ha ganado dos premios Emmy y dos premios Peabody, el primero por su trabajo en "Apartheid's People", una serie de NewsHour sobre la vida sudafricana durante el apartheid; el segundo por su trabajo en África para NPR, en el que, según la cita del Peabody, ella "demostró un talento para ennoblecer a sus sujetos y reveló una profundidad de comprensión de la experiencia africana que no tenía rival en los medios occidentales". Hunter-Gault, a quien se le han otorgado muchos títulos honorarios, ha sido la receptora de numerosos otros premios por su trabajo.


Community Resource Fair

Our Community Resource partners are a vital part of our annual Delivering Democracy program and our ongoing CSRD initiatives, events and engagement.  Discover and engage with this year’s Community Resource Fair organizations before and immediately following Delivering Democracy 2024.  Learn about their missions and how their work advances democracy, inclusion, education, mentoring, community health and wellness, justice and cultural awareness.

Are you an organization that wants be be part of this year's Community Resource Fair? Click here for submission.


Feria de Recursos Comunitarios

Nuestros socios de Recursos Comunitarios son una parte vital de nuestro programa anual de Entrega de Democracia y nuestras iniciativas continuas de CSRD, eventos y participación. Descubra y participe con las organizaciones de la Feria de Recursos Comunitarios de este año antes y después de la Entrega de Democracia 2024. Conozca sus misiones y cómo su trabajo promueve la democracia, la inclusión, la educación, la mentoría, la salud y el bienestar comunitarios, la justicia y la conciencia cultural


asu Our mission is to design new models for educational success and raise academic achievement for all learners. At ASU Prep that means personalizing project-based learning to help students gain valuable critical thinking skills. Website Link


Aliento serves undocumented, DACA, and mixed immigration status families to transform trauma into hope and action. We are youth-led and directly impacted people and allies who are invested in the well-being, emotional healing, and leadership development of those impacted by the inequities of lacking an immigration status. website link


Anytown Leadership Program is a human relations organization dedicated to embracing, educating and empowering leaders to cultivate inclusive communities. We envision a just and equitable society that celebrates, appreciates and affirms all people. Website Link

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Arizona Create and support one-to-one mentoring relationships that ignite the power and promise of youth. Website Link


Arizona Village Network

Arizona Village Network, our mission is to empower individuals directly impacted by incarceration in Arizona to break the cycle of recidivism and transform their lives. Website Link


Feminist Majority Foundation/Ms. Magazine

Women’s social, political and economic equality. Website Link


GS Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place. Website link

Immigrant Hope - Mesa

Providing immigrants with

The HOPE of the gospel,

HELP finding a pathway to legal residency

and a HOME in a church that cares for their needs. Website Link



Living United for Change in Arizona is an organization led by changemakers fighting for social, racial, and economic transformation. We are committed to human dignity, inclusion, equity, and collective growth. We work to reclaim our shared power alongside our families and community.


League of Women Voters of Arizona

LWV Mission: Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy

LWV Vision: We envision a democracy where every person has the desire, the right, the knowledge and the confidence to participate

LWV Value:  We believe in the power of women to create a more perfect democracy. Website Link



Million Dollar Teacher Project

The mission of MDTP is to elevate the teaching profession through increased recognition, compensation and support.  Our vision is to create a world where every student is taught by a highly trained, qualified, understanding and engaged teacher. Website Link

Mountain Park  Health Center

Mountain Park Health Center works with the communities it serves to sustain and improve health by providing affordable primary care. We focus on making health affordable and accessible for all. Mountain Park Health Center is a nonprofit community health center. For more than 40 years we have been providing whole-patient care for the entire family. Each year we keep nearly 100,000 of our neighbors in Goodyear, Tempe and Phoenix healthy. Website Link.


NAACP East Valley

Our mission is to achieve equity, political rights, and social inclusion by advancing policies and practices that expand human and civil rights, eliminate discrimination, and accelerate the well-being, education, and economic security of Black people and all persons of color. Website Link

OCA Greater Phoenix Chapter

Advancing the social, political, and economic well-being of AAPIs and developing leadership among our youths since 1973. Website Link

Office of Accountability and Transparency

Office of Accountability and Transparency (OAT) is the agency created by the City of Phoenix to provide civilian oversight of administrative investigations of misconduct allegations against members of the Phoenix Police Department, and to receive community feedback regarding complaints, commendations, concerns and/or other comments about policing in Phoenix. Website Link


one n ten Our mission is to serve LGBTQ youth and young adults ages 11-24. We enhance their lives by providing empowering social and service programs that promote self‐expression, self‐acceptance, leadership development, and healthy life choices. Website Link


Pilgrim Rest Foundation, Inc

The Mission of Pilgrim Rest Foundation is to meet the spiritual and physical needs of men, women and children through financial assistance and external resources to help ensure home and family stability. Website Link


Poder Latino

Our mission is to build a sustained progressive voting bloc of Latinxs in Arizona, California, Florida, Georgia, Texas, and Washington. We do this by leading an integrated voter engagement program where all aspects of voter engagement, issue-based campaigns, leadership development, voting reform and protection, and narrative change form a continuous cycle of political consciousness. Website Link


Safe schools focus Law Related Education, Restorative Justice, Leadership Empowerment, College Preparation, Diversity and Inclusion, Safe Learning Environment, Character Education and Teen Court. Web Link


Tanner Community Development Corporation Tanner Community Development Corporation (TCDC) mission is to provide programs and initiatives that produce outcomes in the community that change people’s lives. Website Link


Links Links, Inc. is an organization comprised of women of African heritage who are committed to enriching, sustaining and ensuring the identities, culture and economic survival of all people of African origin through cultural, educational and civic programs.  Through our partnerships we promote activism to help bring the positive change that transcends time, race and socioeconomic differences. The cornerstone of our mission of service and cultural enrichment to the community are our five facets. Web Link


NAACP The mission of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People is to ensure the political, educational, social and economic equality of rights of all persons and to eliminate racial hatred and racial discrimination. Website Link



Eliminate racism, empower women, and promote peace, justice, freedom, and dignity for all. Website Link



Delivering Democracy volunteers are true Architects of Change!  If you would like to support the Center and this year’s program, register here to volunteer.


Los voluntarios de Delivering Democracy son verdaderos Arquitectos del Cambio. Si desea apoyar al Centro y el programa de este año, regístrese aquí para ser voluntario.