First Amendment Forum on the 2nd floor
Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication
First Amendment Forum on the 2nd floor
Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication
The Visionary Lecture Series provides a venue for innovative social architects to present new ideas and projects related to race and democracy, broadly construed. This event is an annual fall lecture from a rising star or torch-bearing scholar or practitioner and is intended to be Phoenix's premier lecture on race and participatory democracy.
The fall 2013 Visionary Lecturer,Ta-Nehisi Coates, author of The Beautiful Struggle, journalist and Atlantic senior editor, delves into the conflicted and hopeful state of black America in his talk "A Deeper Black: Race in America." With an easy-going manner, an unashamedly erudite approach, and a journalist’s grasp of narrative and clarity, Coates will deliver an ear-to-the-ground and "Eyes on the Prize" lecture that asks the small personal questions as well as the big historic ones.
Lecture begins at 7 p.m. and will be followed by a reception.
Watch Ta-Nehisi Coates on The Agenda: